Kamis, 09 Juli 2009

Share a Relationship

We always ask, "God we want Your presence be felt every one in this place". You know what is mean? That's mean we ask, "Let people realize Your grace real on them".

Do you remember this, when Christ was born in this world, He was named Immanuel, It's mean God with Us. So, it's mean when you believe in Christ as Your God, you shall be saved when you asked something by Christ, so Immanuel is always be with you. Although you felt in sin, although you were not read your bible or pray, He is always be with you.

But, how poor when you're not praying, you don't have a relationship with God. How poor when you are not read your bible, cause you don't know Him more. When you felt and felt again in sin, too realy poor you are, you broke a relationship with Our Father.

Jesus came in this world to brought 'a relationship'. He restore a broken relationship between God and you. He teach us how to build a great relationship not only with Father, but with this world too. We can build a relationship with ourself, with family, with neighbour, with our business' partner, our customer, our client, etc.

In a big company, there is a tool to manage customer, that's called CRM (Customer Relationship Management). CRM is a tool to collect information from one by one customers.

World so need a relationship. Jesus came to brought a relationship. We are now have a relationship with Father, why we are not share it to the world.

People feel inferior because of 'lack some relationship'. When people didn't feel secure and feel lost they meaning, they don't want to share theirself and then they so close to other people, and the end of the day, they lack some relationship. Therefore they feel inferior.

When we put trust in Christ, we've already became a child of God. We know in the first of time, we recognize God as Elohim, it's mean God as a creator. He is a creative God, right? So, when we became a child of God, we should be creatived too, right. It's mean we must be an excellence, we must be smart, there's no choice!

Bible said, "but be transformed by the renewal of your mind". Mind is physic, that's mean ideals and attitude. Ideals, we got it cause we learn, improve and upgrade our knowledge so we got some value. Attitude, we got from 'know' something and we use or we apply the 'value' in our life. Both are possiblely we shine the world.

"Be shine! Let the people see your good work". 'Good work' in Greek is 'kalos', which is translate excellence, beautiful. So, if you are son or daughter of God, you must realize, you must be a smart one, excellence in your work, all out! It must be possible. Do your work with responbility, excellence. Just do whatever your work like do it for God. Be a different generation, make some impact. All of our doing is for the glory of God, Christ Jesus.
